Thoughts and Happenings of an Average Family

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Let's play catch-up

Okay.  So according to some recent research, I have not blogged since the 16th.  Now I could pull out a myriad of excuses for this....(there wasn't much happening, I didn't feel well, I was spending time with Jeff on his vacation, blah, blah, blah)  But honestly, I just didn't feel like it.  It's not that there wasn't very much happening-we actually had a very dramatic week last week.  I just didn't want to share it.  And that got me thinking about this:  Why do we want everyone to think that our lives are perfect?
I look around and I see lots of people that make me think, "Wow! They have really got it together!  Awesome kids, great jobs, and nothing ever goes wrong for them!"  It seems so unfair to the rest of us when life can go through periods where it's a daily struggle to get out of your bed and do what needs to be done.  But I think that the truth is that we all project perfectness....."Oh, I'm great!" (even though there are bills to pay and a roof that is falling down and kids that are sick and medical problems and arguments with family members)  But the question is why do we do it?  As for myself I don't really have any answers.  I can tell you that I personally don't like to be pitied.  So even if my world is crashing down around me, I am very likely to unload on anyone.  Also, I'm not really a fan of people who unload their entire life story on you when something is going wrong in their lives.  I don't like the responsibility of feeling like they want me to somehow fix it, so I guess I hold back because I don't want to put people in that position.
But...I'm not perfect.  My life is not perfect.  I love my life, though.  I often think that if everything were perfect, how would I have the experiences that cause me to think about my life and ways to be better and do better.  I sincerely hope that there isn't anyone out there who thinks that my family is perfect.  My kids are awesome and I love them, but they sometimes throw huge tantrums in public...or say bad words...or sass me.  I am FAR from perfect as a parent.  I shout at my kids when I am losing it and I have certainly done things and said things that I regret.  But I try everyday.  I don't take my responsibilities as a parent or a wife lightly.  Jeff and I  have been together now for nineteen years.  Married for nearly fourteen of those.  Our relationship is not perfect.  It's easy and comfortable because we know each other so well.  I still love him more everyday, which sometimes is kind of a marvel to me.  But we disagree on things and sometimes we get snappy with each other.  We are human.  We aren't meant to be perfect.  We all know we aren't, and yet we want everyone else to think that we are.  Its a very intersting concept to me, and a question that can't be fully answered.
So-now that I've gone off on a tangent....let's get back to basics.  This is what happened in my average family this week:
Ummmm....honestly, nothing really happened on the 17th or 18th.  We hung out at home, did school work, watched some TV.  Jeff scraped some ice off the roof the couple of days it warmed up.  On Saturday the 19th we went grocery shopping with the kids and stocked up on some stuff.  It was a LOT of stuff-we ended up with two carts full of groceries.  We hadn't been grocery shopping in a while and we had a lot to stock up on.  But we are super good shoppers.  All the stuff we bought barely cost over $200.  AND it was a ton of fresh produce and staples.  And other than milk and fresh salad stuff and fruit, we probably won't have to make a return trip to the store for almost a month. We are awesome.  The most excitement we had this weekend was when Cebelle woke up Sunday morning and had lost her tooth!  She was SO excited! It's the first tooth that she lost and she was adorable.
She woke up yesterday morning, early, and she had gotten $1 from the tooth fairy.  She was so thrilled that she danced around with it most of the day.  Now she can't wait to loose more teeth and get more money.  All Hayden has left to lose are molars.  He has a theory that they will be worth $5 each because they are much bigger than regular teeth.  I guess we will have to wait and see what the tooth fairy thinks about that.
I had a couple of daycare kids yesterday.  They had kind of a rough day.  They are just little tykes and are used to staying home with daddy.  But now that daddy has a full time job, they have had to make a lot of adjustments.  It's really difficult, but they and their parents are handling it beautifully.  They are a ton of fun and I adore having them here, even though I am completely exhausted when they leave!
So that's really all that's been happening around here.  Not terribly exciting or perfect.  Just normal adventures in an average family!

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