Thoughts and Happenings of an Average Family

Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 3

Today was a pretty normal Thursday for us!  Schoolwork was first on our priority list as always.  Our Thursday school load is pretty light except for every 6th Thursday when we have Chemistry labs.  I got some reading done.  I am re-reading the entire In Death series by J.D. Robb (Nora Roberts).  There are 32 books in the series and I own the first 27.  I intended to purchase the last 5 sometime in the next few weeks so I decided to read them all again up to that point.  I love this series because its mystery, sci-fi, and a little bit of romance....mostly I love Nora Roberts as a writer because she writes very compelling character driven stories.  I won't deny...some of her romance novels are a bit schmaltzy, but the characters are amazing.  I am also reading a few books on my NOOKcolor.
I also worked a bit on a baby blanket today.  I have several pieces of it finished and I really think its going to be beautiful.  I'm getting ready to start some wristers and a hat for myself made from this gorgeous silk/bamboo/wool mix yarn.  I hardly ever make stuff for myself.
The kids spent their day listening to their ipods mostly.  I'm glad that I don't have to hear Alvin and the Chipmunks fifty times a day with the CD player.  I do have to constantly remind them to turn them down, but they are pretty good about not listening too loudly.  They are cracking me up with their eclectic taste in music.  Hayden has been grooving to "Another One Bites the Dust", "Mission Impossible Theme", "Eye of the Tiger", and "Imma Be".  He sings the lyrics out loud to most of them.  It's completely hysterical.  He has now decided that someone needs to put "Toxic" on his ipod.  I told him that I firmly believe that ipods should be Britney Spears free zones, but he said, "But I really like that song!"  So I will probably cave and let him have it.  Heck, I like the song too.  But it gets stuck in my head.  Right now, I'm humming the chorus.  Crap.  There goes my night.
Cebelle is still grooving on Taylor Swift.  She also loves Lady Gaga.  She doesn't really like any "boy" songs.  I suspect this is because they are out of her extreme high soprano that only dogs can hear range.  I love it when she sings out loud with her earphones on too.  I asked her earlier what she was listening to and she said, "Mom!  I'm shuffling songs and I don't know all my letter sounds yet!  How am I supposed to know what song this is?"  Fair enough.  She has a point.  She's also a diva, so I keep the arguing with her to a minimum.  You can't argue with divas.  Even if you win, you lose.
The kids also spent some time outside this morning shoveling the walkway.  We got another four inches or so after we shoveled yesterday.  It was really too cold to spend too long outside.
All in all, we had a pretty terrific day.  I'm getting ready to go wash my face and tuck the kids in.  Jeff and I will probably watch a couple of shows before we head off to bed.
Thanks for sharing the adventure with me!

1 comment:

  1. I finally figured out how to sign on and communicate! YEAH
