When I started this blog, it was with these good intentions:
1. For my kids to look at and know how much I love spending everyday with them
2. For my Missouri family to read and get a look at our daily lives
3. To remind myself of how special and unique everyday with kids is
I forgot to take into account the follwing:
1. Everyday with kids, while special and unique, is also wild and crazy
2. At the end of these days, I am so tired I forget what happened all day
3. Finding time to sit at the computer, even for 10 minutes is very rare for me
There have been so many blog-worthy, crazy, wild happenings around here and I end up too tired and exhausted to sit down and tell the story. So I'm going to try to sum up the highlights of the last 10 days or so. I have realized that I don't have 10 minutes to sit down every day, so I'm going to aim for twice a week or so!
The last 10 days have gone somewhat like this:
For the first 2 or 3 days, I was highly medicated on pain pills. I managed to teach school, go to our church marriage class, and do things around the house. I did NOT drive, operate heavy machinery, or get out of my pajamas for most of those days. Also, I'm pretty sure that more stuff happened then, but I don't remember it.
By Thursday morning of last week, I was finally out of my pain/medication haze and I was able to get a bunch of stuff in the house cleaned and organized. Unfortunately, I remember most of that. I went Thursday afternoon and picked up some donations for the regional drama festival and chatted with the head cook about the stuff I would need in the school kitchen to cater.
Friday was a round of appointments. Hayden and Cebelle went to the chiropractor for the first time. I'm very happy with how that turned out. Turns out, both of them had some pretty severe misalignments and once they were adjusted, they both felt great! We met mom and dad that day at McDonalds and had some lunch. Jeff was busy with festival prep and he didn't get home until really late that evening.
Saturday morning was the start of the festival that Jeff was in charge of. He woke up at 4:00am that morning and couldn't go back to sleep. Pretty rough, considering that we had to be at the school until almost 11 that night and he hadn't gone to bed until after 11pm Friday night. We headed out around 7:30 am and he ran the festival and I catered the lunch and the dinner along with a host of some really terrific parent volunteers. Jeff's students won which means they get to advance to the state competition which will take place over April 8 and 9. Mom and Dad brought Hayden and Cebelle to eat dinner at the school so we could see them. It was really fun to sit down and enjoy a meal with them. Hayden was fascinated that I could cook dinner for that many people at once. (There were about 150)
Sunday morning, Jeff and I had nursery duty at the church. We took care of 4 kids under the age of 2, which was tons of fun, but exhausting. We came home and cleaned up our backyard some, cleaned up the driveway, fixed my van, cleaned house, and did the laundry.
Monday morning I had daycare kids start arriving at 6:30am and I had a house full of kids from 6:30 to about 5. Hayden and Cebelle did all their schoolwork. They have been running through all their schoolwork with ease and learning lots. I am very proud of the both of them for all their hard work and dedication. They both ended up having some major meltdowns Monday evening. I expected it at some point because it has been such a crazy couple of weeks-and there doesn't look to be an end in sight as of yet.
So far today, we have finished our schoolwork. I had a couple of daycare kids arrive at about 1. They will be here until after dinner when we meet their parents at our church marriage class tonight. Jeff will be home this afternoon early, so it shouldn't be too much trouble. Hayden and Cebelle are wearing a little thin. I think they could use naps, but they are refusing to take them.
Planned for the rest of this week: chiropractic appointments Wed, Jeff taking a group of kids to Castleton and being gone until really late Thu, I have my first venom immunotherapy injection on Friday which requires me to take a trip to Burlington, birthday lunch for dad on Saturday, church on Sunday. Possibly getting together with friends Friday evening. And then Monday starts again with a house full of daycare kids. Like I said, no end in sight!
That's a small summary of what I haven't blogged about lately. There's been so much going on in our world as well and I don't really have the time to go into all of that! I am, as every day, grateful for my family and wonderful friends, thankful that I have another day on this earth, hoping that people can change, and praying that they will. God bless!
Sounds like it's pretty hectic but FUN! Enjoy reading whats going on in your neck of the woods. Miss you guys sooooo much! Would love to be able to have the kidswover once in awhile. Well give everyone big hugs and kisses from their aunts Sis and Keith.....xoxoxoxoxoxox