Thoughts and Happenings of an Average Family

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 7 & 8 or "Let's talk about what a slacker I am....or not"

Sunday evening, while Jeff was on the computer looking at fun apps we could get for us and the kids,  (Macs have apps now that transfer to iPad, iPhone, and iPod-you can share all of them between devices and it is wicked cool!)  I was struggling with how to go about losing weight.  To be honest, I have tried nearly everything.  I had some terrific success with Weight Watchers a few years ago-I lost almost 50 pounds.  Then I went through a four month period where I gained and lost the same 5 pounds about fifteen times.  And that isn't an exaggeration.  No matter what I did (how much extra I exercised, how much less I ate) I could not break through that plateau.  Eventually, I ended up gaining all the weight back even though I tried really hard not to.  So I had decided Sunday that it was time to get my butt in gear and do something about it.  I am not getting any younger and as I get older, I know this struggle is only going to get more difficult.  So-I found an app for it!  I downloaded the Calorie2 app to my computer (I had to pay for it) and I have been using it to keep track of my diet and exercise.  It's really simple.  I just type in what food and when I ate it or what exercise and the app tells me: the breakdown of my intake (carbs, protein, fat), how many calories I need to consume, how many calories I burn by the exercise I do.  Then it goes even further and has things like weight loss graphs, breakdown of nutrients and vitamins consumed based on the foods you eat, and a lot of other neat things.  So I got on the ball with eating healthy and exercising.  As it turns out, I was once again eating about half the food I needed to consume.  Essentially my body is starving, so it stores everything as fat when I eat.  Over the last three days, I have consumed the amount of calories that my body needs and I have lost 6 pounds.  I'm sure a lot of that is water weight-but I don't care.  I'm just praying that I can continue to do well.
In other news, Sunday night and all through Monday we got a massive snow storm.  It was coming down about 2 inches an hour.  So of course, there was no school Monday morning.  I was supposed to have a house full of daycare kids.  We spent the day doing school work and then a couple of hours in the afternoon shoveling.  I burned a ton of calories....shoveling is great exercise!  We ended up with over two feet of snow.
Tuesday was sort of a nutty day as well.  I had daycare kids, which doesn't normally happen.  Jeff has One Acts opening this weekend, so the missed day of school and rehearsal messed up his tech week.  We signed up for a marriage class at our church which was meeting Tuesday night. So it was a pretty busy day.  I had the daycare kids all day, Jeff had school, rehearsal, p/t conferences and then we met up at marriage class.  When we got home it was time for bedtime for the kids and we watched a couple of shows before crashing ourselves.
It's been a crazy couple of days and I haven't actually had the time to sit down at the computer.  I did finish reading a book on my NOOKcolor yesterday that I borrowed from the library.  We also watched "Let Me In" which I actually really liked.  I put the book on my NOOKbook wish list because I am positive that since I liked the movie, I will love the book even more.
I don't mind all this snow at all.  But for the first time in several years, I am really looking forward to Spring.  I love taking my morning cup of coffee out on the deck with a book and enjoying the morning sunshine before anyone else gets up.  I love letting my kids play outside for half an hour before we start school.  I'm looking forward to puttering around in my flower beds and putting in the new one we planned this year.  But for now, there is still snow on the ground and things to be accomplished inside.  I guess I should get back to work on accomplishing them!  Have a great day!

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