Thoughts and Happenings of an Average Family

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1

Wow.  What a day.  My horoscope said that I would experience family issues today.  That was the understatement of the century.  Don't get your hopes up, my friends.  I'm not dishing dirt on myself or the people that I love the most in this world.  I will say this about today:  When you love as deeply as we do in our family, it's easy to get your heart broken and your feelings bruised.  Little things become big for no reason at all except that someone was hurt by someone else's carelessness or thoughtlessness.  But the flip side of that is that small things can also bring great joy.  And little acts of kindness become big because of someone's willing heart and acceptance.  The best part about today, even though it was tumultuous, is that when you love deeply, you also forgive completely.  We are all human.  And we all make mistakes.  I own up to my part of that in this instance and in every other.  I am far from perfect.  But that's the way that God made me, so in some ways, that makes me perfect.
I have been working on a couple of baby blankets and a cross-stitch project.  But I had a headache again today.  (Thank you, storm front, for the 3 feet of snow we are going to get PLUS the sinus headache)  So I didn't really work on anything and couldn't get motivated to start anything new.
The kids are doing awesome in school.  Cebelle flew through her work this morning with flying colors.  Hayden missed several on his spelling trial test, but he is learning that it is a consequence of not studying.  He keeps thinking he can figure out a shortcut where he doesn't actually have to study the words.  I'm letting him experiment with it to prove my point.  My luck, he will prove me completely wrong tomorrow and ace the test and it will all blow up in my face.
I'm hoping to sleep in tomorrow because Jeff doesn't have to go to school, but I'm also betting that the kids will wake up at 7:30 because I don't have to get up early.  That's what usually happens.
I'm looking forward to a big snow.  We have plenty of food and lots to do and I think that snow is so beautiful.  I will post some pictures tomorrow!  Since everyone else is getting lots of snow too, I'm expecting to see lots more pictures!  I hope you all have a safe and adventurous snowy day!

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