Thoughts and Happenings of an Average Family

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 16

So, I'm feeling much better today.  Much more calm and relaxed.  Daycare kids got here at 6:30 this morning.  I was able to start and finish a book that I borrowed from the library on my NOOKcolor  (I honestly cannot explain to you HOW excited I am about this newfound option)  It was called "Stange Angels" by Lili St. Crow.  It was a really good story.  Meant primarily for young adult readers, but as I have said before.....I enjoy reading those type of books because the writers have to be better to hold the readers attention!  I finished it and started another book called "Wildwood Dancing" by Juliet Marillier.  I'm on the fourth chapter and I'm really enjoying it as well.
We had a mostly laid back day today.  Hayden and Cebelle did their school work (and after a long talk with Hayden this morning...)  They both did a remarkable job.  I have decided that it's my goal to get Hayden to do his absolute best everyday.  The approach I am taking to this is not discipline of any kind or loss of privileges if his work isn't perfect.  The approach is about me reminding him how special he is and how right now he has the potential to be anything and everything he wants to be.  But if he starts thinking and acting like a loser (slacking off, not caring about his work, not being proud of how smart he is, complaining that he has to learn) that he will probably end up that way.  The flip side is if he starts thinking like the winner he is (doing his best everyday, being excited to learn new things, thinking that he is awesome for being so smart, taking pride in how well he can do work that is way above most kids his age) then he will always be a winner.  Clearly, my other tactics weren't working very well, so I thought it was a good idea to switch it up.  I started pressing those ideas on Cebelle today, too!  I want my kids to believe in their potential and to know how terrific they are.  This world knocks us down often enough-they don't need me to join in and beat them down.  It's my job to build them up.  So that's what I'm going to do.
Right now Hayden and Cebelle are watching Veggie Tales.  I love these shows.  First of all, they are completely hysterical.    Secondly, they are really terrific at explaining how important it is to be a good person so that kids get the message.  And third, the musical numbers are really great!
I am sitting here at the computer with the dogs underfoot and texting three people at the same time.  What can I say, I'm a multitasker.....
I will put the kids to bed when their movie is over and watch a couple of episodes of "The Secret Life of the American Teenager"  It's my newest guilty pleasure.  Jeff is at opening night of his show.  Mom and Dad should be home just about anytime now.  When Jeff gets home we plan to eat some cheesy breadsticks and watch "Glee".  Since I have been up since 5:40 am, I have consumed a Diet Mtn. Dew in order to prepare me for these extremely late evening plans.  Otherwise I will be dozing on the couch in about an hour.  
Today is our cousin Molly's birthday.  She turns 1 today!  She is such a beautiful little girl.  Since she and her family live in Missouri, we don't get to see them as often as we like!  But we are wishing her a very happy birthday and many more to come!  And we are so looking forward to spending some time with them in June!
Well, I think I'm going to go snuggle on the couch with my little monkeys.  The day is coming too soon when they will wipe away my kisses and be embarrassed by my hugs.  But right now they are my little snuggle bugs and they are freshly showered.  So I'm sneaking those kisses and hugs while I can.

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