Thoughts and Happenings of an Average Family

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 15

Today was and continues to be.....insanely ridiculous.  I honestly don't even have words to describe the craziness that is my life today.  It may seem calm on the outside, but honestly, I'm about to rip someone a new one.  Or several someones.  Or maybe whoever just happens to be unlucky enough to get in my way.'s been one of THOSE days.  
It started out with me waking up with an earache and a dentist appointment this morning.  Jeff decided to stay and do school work with the kids which was fine, except that he started freaking out when he realized that Hayden was into diagramming sentences.  I mean, there's a teacher's manual that tells you even exactly what to say but he went on a whole rant about how he never teaches from books and how he didn't there was that.  And I wasn't too keen about a trip to the dentist.  No matter how you slice it, going somewhere to get needles and drills in your mouth is really never there was that.  I get to the dentist and have the lesser of my two cavities worked on only to find out that it was worse than excpected,so there was no time to do the second and I had to make an appointment at a later date.  And the whole right side of my face (including nostril) is completely numb and I know that once the feeling comes back, its going to be there was that.  Then I get home on this freezing, sunny day to find Jeff and Hayden at odds.  Because apparently while I was gone, Hayden forgot everything that he knows.  So when Jeff did his pronoun review, he got all of them wrong.  Twice.  And tried to blame it on me because he didn't learn it.  He did the same thing with math this there's that.  Now my mom assures me that this is a normal boy thing.  I am not so sure.  Hayden has these phases where he just becomes a total and complete slacker and then decides, "Hey!  I bet if I pretend to forget how to do everything, my mom will just stop teaching me school!" Except, he seems to forget that every time he does this that the result is in fact, MORE school.  I don't know what the deal was today.  He is totally miffed about having school this week when everyone is on vacation, but if we took this week off, we wouldn't be finished with school when it was time for us to leave on vacation.  So I'm sure that is part of it.  But his scheming has turned what should be about 3 hours of school into over 8 hours a day for the last two days.  No matter how hard I try explaining to him that he is making more work for  himself, he just doesn't seem to get it.  All his nefarious plans to shorten his schoolwork constantly, always result in lengthening his schoolwork.  And honestly, I don't care if he wants to spend 12 hours a day doing schoolwork as long as it's completed correctly and he's learning.  But he is the one complaining about so much work.  Go there was that.
Cebelle tried to be a perfect little angel for her daddy.  She is, after all, daddy's little girl.  She was running around and singing all the songs from "Aladdin" at the top of her lungs.  But after daddy left this evening......she turned into a total monster.  She and Hayden were playing really nicely together before dinner.  Despite the fact that there was whining and complaining when things didn't go her way.  I made black bean soup and cornbread for dinner.  Black beans are Cebelle's favorite.  And she loves cornbread smothered in butter.  But when she came to the table the first thing sassy  pants said to me was, "This is not what I wanted for dinner."  And I told her that it didn't matter.  I didn't ask her opinion, but if she was hungry, that's what there was and since she loved black beans I didn't think that she should have any trouble eating it.  And then she says, "Well, I hate black beans now." there was that.  She is such a liar, first of all.  She is such a diva that she wants her way all of the time and she will do anything it takes to get her way.  So I said, "You have to eat at least half of that soup, or I'm taking your Valentine's Candy away."  There was whining, screaming, pouting, slamming of utensils.....but she finally ate her soup.  
By this point it was nearly bedtime so I sent the kids to the living room to pick up their toys.  I cleared the table and came in two minutes later to find a knock down, drag out fight.  Cebelle threw a toy at Hayden, Hayden slammed Cebelle's face into the floor, Cebelle punched Hayden, they both started throwing there was that.  By this point you can imagine, my patience was wearing thin.  I hauled both of their butts upstairs and put them in bed a full 30 minutes early.  AFTER a lecture about how they were both better than that and I expected better from them and that today's happenings were utterly ridiculous.  And furthermore, if today's happenings pushed into tomorrow, there would be serious consequences for the both of them.  They believed at least there was that......
And now, I am sitting and enjoying the peaceful calm where nobody is screaming and fighting hoping that it stays that way.  I am blessed with extremely wonderful, kind, bright, and loving children who like all of us have a really crappy day every once in a while.  And I think that because they know I will love them no matter what, sometimes they can let their very worst come out and it's okay.  I don't judge them for it. I have days like that too.  And I pray that they don't judge me for that.  Sometimes its just unfortunate when all our crappy days collide.  But I'm getting ready to curl up on the couch and know that tomorrow will be there's that.

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