Thoughts and Happenings of an Average Family

Friday, February 25, 2011

February 25

Ahhhh...another Friday, another snow day, another middle eastern country in turmoil, another Charlie Sheen debacle.  *sigh*  What is the world coming to?
In all seriousness, I think that the things going on in the middle east are something to be concerned about.  Not because I believe that the end of days is drawing near or anything like that....but because whenever something like that is happening, innocent people get caught in the middle of the turmoil and as human beings, we should all be concerned about that.  Just like Egypt, just like Somalia, just like the public workers in Wisconsin.  Things are happening in these peoples lives that they have no control over and they may very likely suffer for it.  Ignoring it because it doesn't touch our lives right now is foolish.  As for Charlie Sheen, well, he is on my list...(no, not that kind of list, people!).  This is my list of:
1. Kanye West
2. Lindsay Lohan (disclaimer***this name includes anyone in the Lohan family)
3. Miley Cyrus
4. Jon & Kate Gosselin (disclaimer***these are not really celebrities!)
5. Michelle Bachman (yeah, I know...not really a celebrity, either.  But she certainly makes a public spectacle of herself often enough)
6. Camille Grammar
7. Charlie Sheen (the newest addition.....)
In all fairness, these are only the latest people on my list.  Which means that they are the ones annoying me lately.  This list is subject to change at any point during the day.  Especially if I have occasion to see clips from Fox News.
Jeff had a snow day this morning, so we got a call at 5:15.  I had daycare kids coming at 6:30 and I ended up not being able to go back to sleep.  The kids only stayed for half a day because the weather was getting bad, but Hayden and Cebelle had a blast playing with them.  I gave Hayden and Cebelle the day off school as well since their friends were here to play, with the understanding that we will make the day up next week.  We will probably spread it out over a couple of days so it's not so overwhelming.
I got so much accomplished in my cross stitch today.  I almost completely finished one whole section.  My shoulders and back are killing me now....but it looks awesome!
Hayden and Cebelle have been playing their video games since their friends left.  They are only allowed screen time on the weekends.  They have a total of  6 hours that can be used on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  We have beads in jars and they have to 'pay' me for every 15 minutes of screen time.  It's an attempt to teach them time management as well.  Apparently, we are going to need to think of a different tactic because they have used up 4 hours this evening.  But, it has only been a few weeks, so maybe they will figure it out.  Jeff has spent the majority of the day playing with his iPhone.  It's a good thing nobody limits his game time.....
Barnes & Noble gave two free NOOKbooks this Friday.  I love getting stuff for free!  I started reading "Gossip Girl" today.  I have never watched the series, but I'm almost finished with the first book and I am really enjoying it.  I always planned on watching the series when I get a chance.  Maybe over the summer sometime....
It is still snowing outside and we have a good amount.  If I had to guess I would say that there is probably half a  foot or so out there and as far as I know we are under a warning until midnight tonight.  I don't mind it....Roger will plow us out in the morning and we will play and shovel the sidewalks.  It's good exercise and always a lot of fun.
We just finished our dinner and are getting ready to settle in for the evening.  I'm looking forward to getting a decent nights rest tonight (fingers crossed...I did drink a lot of caffeine today!) and hopefully sleeping past 6 in the morning.  I hope all of you have peaceful dreams and a wonderful weekend!

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