Thoughts and Happenings of an Average Family

Friday, February 11, 2011

February 11

Yeah, so it turns out, I AM allergic to the white faced hornet after all.  You may be asking yourself, "How could she possibly know that?"  Well, to answer your inquiring minds...its because when I woke up this morning EVERY single place that I had been poked/injected (except for the control) were big, red, itchy bumps.  If you haven't been keeping track...that means the row on my forearm, the two rows on my right upper arm, and the one row on my left arm.  That's a total of 18 swollen, red, itchy bumps.  Nice.  I looked like I was attacked by a very large and very precise mosquito.  So I have now signed all of my paperwork that says I know I could die from treatment and put it in the mail.  I am also contemplating moving to Antarctica because I'm relatively sure there are no stinging insects there.  But I'm not sure I would get cell service I'm still just thinking about it.
School went relatively well today.  Cebelle got a perfect on her phonics assessment.  Hayden needs a bit more practice with this weeks spelling list.  I'm trying to get him to break the larger words into sections to help him remember.  It seems to be working pretty well for him.
I have cornered Ruby about a half a dozen times today.  She keeps trying to get into the trash. I don't know what's up with her naughty self today.  She is feeling very defiant.  I'm assumming that it's because I was gone most of the day yesterday.  Like my biological children, my furry children get pretty angry with me when I am not here to meet their every need every moment of the day.  Ruby will usually find mom if I am busy and she needs love and affection (which honestly, for her, is quite often) but I suspect that since mom was really busy with Hayden and Cebelle yesterday that Ruby didn't get a lot of attention.  Today is payback for that.  She's such a stinker.  You might be wondering "why do you let her get away with that?" Well-for heaven's sake...look at these faces:

Now be would probably let them be stinkers too if they were sweet and lovable and made those faces at you all the time.  
We went to Rutland when Jeff got out of school and picked up a few things that we needed.  After nearly 3 years of waiting.....Jeff is finally the proud owner of and iPhone.   He is so unbelievably excited.  We ate at Taco Bell and had a great time with the kids.  I got some new rubber stamps for my paper crafting at Michaels.  I paid 47 cents a piece for them and they are going to look terrific with my embossing tools!  Nothing like a great crafting deal!  Mom and dad and Jeff and I are getting ready to sit down and watch Predators.  I took two benadryl because my arms are still all polka-dotted and itchy.  I'm betting that I turn into a total drool monkey about fifteen minutes in.  I'm trying to counteract the effects with caffeine....but not much luck.  I hope you all have a fun and adventurous weekend!

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