So, today was a pretty great day! Hayden got almost 100% on his spelling trial test. He left the 'r' out of approximate so I gave him the chance to spell it orally and he got it correct. Therefore, he does not have to take the test again tomorrow. He also took a math quiz and got 100% on that. He did extremely well today and was very excited and proud of himself. Cebelle did wonderful, as always! She is starting to read nearly everything! She is doing really terrific! I woke up this morning with a ridiculous headache. Actually, I went to bed with it last night. I figured I was just really tired and I would feel better once I rested so I didn't bother taking anything. However, the stupid headache kept waking me up because it hurt so bad and at that point, it hurt too bad to get up and take medicine. Then Cebelle had a bad dream and came and got in bed with us and I really didn't sleep well at all. So I got up this morning and took medicine. When I get headaches like this, they almost always turn into migraines. And I have taken different migraine medications (including injections) and not really had any of them be successful. I try as much as possible not to take very much medicine because I want it to work for my body when I really need it to. But this is the combination of medications that will get rid of this kind of headache within an hour or so and not let it become a migraine: 400mg of ibuprofen, a decongesting nasal spray (like Afrin), 500mg of Tylenol, a saline nasal spray, and a dose of Sudafed. I don't take them all together. I take the ibuprofen and sudafed first with a dose of saline nasal spray and then about an hour later I take the rest. About twenty minutes after that, I am headache free. I have tried tons of other things and this is the only combination that works. Any less of these medications, or skip out on one of them, and I'm still getting the migraine. Thankfully, this doesn't happen very often. My kids knew that I had a headache this morning, so they offered to rub my neck while we were all sitting on the couch this afternoon. They are so sweet and thoughtful. Cebelle offered to rub my head for me, but mostly she just ripped hair out of my head. But her heart was definitely in the right place. Even if she did make my scalp bleed.
I worked on a baby blanket today and the cross-stitch that I've been working on for a while. It's a slow process, but I really enjoy it. I also read some of a book that I borrowed from the library on my NOOKcolor. I am loving being able to get library books online and delivered right to my device. It means I don't have to comb through shelves...or comb my hair for that matter....
The kids are winding down while Jeff sits in here and plays on his iPhone. I swear the money that was spent on his iPhone and my NOOKcolor was the best money we ever spent. We are like kids with the bestest toys ever! We have tons of stuff to read and do (I have started storing knitting patterns on my NOOKcolor so I don't have to print them out) AND as a bonus, playing with either device will calm our children and make them forget whatever they were throwing a tantrum about. Miracles......that's what they are. Except now, both of the kids want iPhones and NOOKcolors of their own. Thankfully, their birthdays aren't until September and October so we won't have to deal with any of that until the end of the year! That was my adventurous day! I'm going to end it by curling up on the couch with my hubby and watching some TV. I will probably knit a little more of the baby blanket before I head to bed. I hope you all have sweet dreams and a wonderfully adventurous day tomorrow!
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