Thoughts and Happenings of an Average Family

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 8

So I woke up in the middle of the night last night with some awful acid reflux.  Straight out of deep sleep into full on panic mode.  I felt it come up into my esophagus.  Disgusting, I know.  It burned my throat so bad and I couldn't make it stop.  Meanwhile, I'm freaking out because I have never had anything like this happen before.  I drank a ton of water and took pepto and tums and propped myself up with pillows and finally went back to sleep.  It was possibly one of the weirdest things I have ever had happen in my life.  I suspect it was due to the fact that I ate poorly yesterday and took ibuprofen, tylenol, and aleve for my headache (not all at the same time....I'm not completely irresponsible!)  So-needless to say-thanks to my adventure at 3am I slept later than I normally do.  I woke up at about 8:30 and showered.  I came downstairs to find that mom had made pancakes and Hayden was already eating.  He is such a sweet boy and when he woke up and I was still asleep, he wanted to make a special day for me.  So he helped mom take out the recycling, empty the dishwasher, and make breakfast all before I woke up and showered.  What a terrific kid. He also got 100% on his spelling trial test which means that he didn't have homework tonight and he doesn't have to take his test tomorrow.  He is super excited.
Cebelle got up and ate breakfast with me.  She is having a bit of a blonde day today.  She goes through these phases periodically.  Today she walked up to me with her earphones on, ipod in hand, and very upset.  She said, "Mom!  I can't hear my ipod and I don't even have it paused!"  And she was near tears.  I looked at her, picked up the end of the earphones, and plugged them into the ipod.  And then I said, "That usually helps."  She giggled and then walked away.  It was so funny.  She did things like that all day.  It certainly makes for an interesting day because she is very prone to drama.  And for her-everything is dramatic.
The weatherman predicted another 4-6 inches of snow for us last night into today.  It started snowing late last night and it wasn't too terrible.  But by 1pm-we had about 6 inches and the snow was still coming down at our house.  The kids went out and helped shovel and played in it for a while.  It was supposed to stop by 11am.  It finally quit here about 6pm.  We ended up with probably a total of 12.

Its just so pretty.  I think we are due for more at the end of the week.  At this point, when I step into the parts that aren't shoveled, the snow comes up over my hips.  Almost to my waist.  I'm not looking forward to mud season.
I've been working on several projects lately and I thought I would post some pictures of them.

This is a group of handbags I have been working on.  They are not quite finished.  The black and beige one need sewn together and then all three will need linings and snaps.

This is a counted cross stitch.  The completed pattern is about 16 x 18 inches.  It is for Christmas.  I'm hoping to have it finished by then.  The part that is completed took me about 14 hours of work so far.  

These I am SUPER excited about because these are for me!  They are cabled wristers.  They are like really long gloves without fingers.  They are made of a gorgeous variegated yarn that is silk/wool/bamboo.  Its super soft and I adore the colors.
I'm heading to put the kids to bed.  Jeff is in rehearsal until 9 tonight so I'm going to settle down and finish my wristers.  I told the kids that they could do a calm quiet activity until I was ready to take them upstairs.

This is what they are doing right now.  My sweet little angels.  I am so happy that they love each other and like to spend time together.  Sweet dreams!

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