Thoughts and Happenings of an Average Family

Friday, January 28, 2011

January 28

Today's adventure was.....a trip to the dentist for the whole family!  Yay!  Actually, the dentist trip isn't as bad as it once used to be.  Cebelle used to be terrified of the dentist and would not even let him polish more than 2 of her teeth before having a complete panic attack and leaving.  Now she really enjoys going to get her teeth super shiny clean and a brand new toothbrush!  She also found out today that she has wiggly teeth, so she is over the moon.  The dentist said that she has four bottom teeth and two top ones that will are wiggly and will be working their way out sometime in the near future.  She has already figured out that there will be $6 from the tooth fairy in her nearby future.  To be honest, wiggly teeth are the one thing that completely and utterly gross me out.  I can stand any amount of any bodily fluids, disastrous situations, and pretty much anything that comes at me with a relative amount of calm.  Wiggly teeth turn me into a screaming, freaking out, cringing, nauseated mess.  I know, I know.  It makes no sense whatsoever.  I can't explain it.  I thought when it was my kids that I would be thrilled for them and think it was so awesome.  Nope.  I'm still reduced to tears at the thought.  I can barely even type about it without heaving.  So, Cebelle is thrilled.  I'm in a slightly panicked mode.
Hayden's teeth are doing well.  The dentist said that he needs to be a better brusher so we are working on it!  Jeff has perfect teeth, of course.  I have two cavities.  Again.  I used to have perfect teeth and no problems until my pregnancies and kids.  Now I have at least a cavity a year.  It's really annoying.  The dentist assures me that it happens to the majority of women, but I still find it really obnoxious.  I mean, who loves getting half of their face numbed once a year?
On the bright side, I'm also getting a couple more daycare kids.  A little girl who is three and her baby brother who just turned one.  I'm super excited about it.  It's only one day a week, but they are really terrific kids and I adore their parents.  So I'm really looking forward to it.
Now I have my pajamas on and Jeff is getting the kids ready for bed.  We are going to watch "The Other Guys" before we head to bed.  And then hopefully we will get to rest and sleep in a bit tomorrow....
I hope you all have a wonderful and adventurous weekend!

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