Thoughts and Happenings of an Average Family

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January 26

This morning I woke up with a killer sinus headache.  Headaches really annoy me.  That got me thinking about other things that annoy that's what I'd like to get off my chest today.  Annoying things.  At the top of my list is stupid people.  I know that isn't very nice and I guess should explain.  Ignorance annoys me.  Unwillingness to learn in this day and age is ridiculous.  All the knowledge in the world is literally at our fingertips, and yet people will still forward emails that include lies, racist remarks, and general stupidity to everyone in their address book without checking to see if its even true.  I can tell you, 99% of the time it isn't.  There isn't an excuse for that crap when you can head to your favorite search engine, type in a few key words, and find out the truth.  
Another thing that really annoys me.....people who assume that I'm stupid because I'm a stay at home mom.   I would really appreciate the benefit of the doubt.  Not to say that I haven't done a few stupid things in my life.  I am many things.  And although I don't have a college degree as of yet, I am anything but uneducated.  I stayed home knowing what I was giving up.  And I don't care what anyone thinks about that.  But it annoys me when people treat me like I'm stupid because of that choice.  It just puts their own ignorance on display as far as I'm concerned.  
Here's another thing...people who have a problem with you.  But instead of telling you what that problem is, they make snide and snarky comments on social networking sites or behind your back.  They say things about you to other people to make themselves look better.  I would never stoop so low.  I  have always been a firm believer in treating people the way that I want to be treated.  I had some questionable years in high school, where hormones got the better of me and I said some things that I will always regret to people who meant the world to me.  But before, and certainly since, I NEVER say a word about someone that I wouldn't willingly repeat to their face.  And I don't sit around and gossip about people.  I have had it done to me more times than I can count.  And you know there's always someone ready to relay information back to the person who has been gossiped about.  It's hurtful and I would never willingly hurt someone like that. 
Its just another facet of lying, which I loathe.  
Disorder annoys me.  More than that-it kind of freaks me out.  In case you haven't guessed it by now-I have a pretty busy schedule.  If things in my house are out of order and I can't find something, it throws me off schedule.  And I really hate that.  I like everything in its place and orderly.  It sometimes borders on obsessive organization which is why Jeff refuses to let me buy a labeler...
Last but certainly not least, I am annoyed when I am ill.  When anyone else is ill, I will gladly care for them.  I will clean up after them, I will tend to their needs, and I will nurse them back to health.  When I am ill, I deny it completely.  I hate feeling weak.  I really hate having to lay down and not get anything done and I hate for anyone else (no matter how well intentioned) to have to take care of me.  I have no idea why.  Jeff thinks its funny, my mother finds it annoying.  I get that.  So I'm working on it.  
So there it is-the short list of things that I find obnoxious.  Trust me-I could go on for much longer.  But despite my headache, there is still dinner to fix and kids to shower and put to bed.   So-back to the adventure!

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