Thoughts and Happenings of an Average Family

Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 27

I slept in this morning.  Until almost 9.  Those of you that know me well are now completely shocked, I'm sure.  I normally rise before the sun just because there isn't enough day to get everything finished.  But thanks to the leftovers of yesterdays killer headache, I was completely wiped.  The amazing part is, my kids slept until 9 as well.  Those of you who know Hayden well have now passed out, I'm sure.  LOL!  He isn't one for sleeping much!  Thankfully, my pain was only a dull throb most of the day and I got some terrific snuggle time with my little monkeys first thing in the morning, so it was a good thing all around!
After we finished our school work, Ninny and Papa decided to take us to McDonald's for some lunch.  Hayden really needed a haircut so we had decided to do that today.  He has decided that he likes it long, and I don't mind.  He can wear it however he wants as far as I'm concerned.  It is his hair, after all!  I know some people have a problem with how I feel about that...and here's my view:
Just because kids/teenagers/adults choose to express themselves by crazy hairdos, bodily piercings, tattoos, weird clothes, crazy make-up, etc.  does NOT in any way make them bad people.  Certainly, some people who do those things make bad choices, but some people prefer to look at their body as a form of self expression.  If my kids want to have purple hair, multiple piercings, and tattoos...that is their body and their choice.  They are the ones who have to live with it.  As long as they are making good choices in their lives, I see no harm in it.  Not that I'm going to be signing waiver papers for tattoos or anything like that before they are eighteen....and not that I won't sit them down and talk to them about why they are choosing to do it (because everyone else is...not an acceptable motive), but I think if you raise your kids well and help them learn values then they will end up making the right choices in the end.  And if they don't.....well, that's how we all learn valuable lessons, right?
Okay..back on track.  Hayden wanted to keep his hair long, but he didn't like it touching his ears.  So we got it cut.  And while we were at the salon, Cebelle decided that she really wanted her hair cut short.  Since she won't ever brush it, I wasn't about to complain.  But she actually went through a magazine and picked out a super cute style.  I was very proud.  Here are their new, adorable haircuts:

Don't they look super cute?  I'm very proud of them.  I also love going places with them because they are super polite and kind and they always get compliments from everyone about how well behaved they are.  Now-behaving at home is a completely different story.....
I have to confess, I wasn't really in the mood to leave the house today.  I am a total homebody.  I would much rather be hanging out here than to go to all the time and trouble to go somewhere and do something.  I don't get out much and it is completely by choice.  But every once in a while, mom and dad will give me a shove, like today and convince me that I need to leave the house.  I'm grateful for them and their little shoves.  I know they are only trying to help.  And I did have a nice afternoon.  I probably would have curled up on the recliner and read a book for the rest of the day.  But I would have missed the beautiful snow covered mountains and the lovely bright sunshine and the fresh crisp air.  So I'm thankful that even though it wasn't my adventurous idea, that they brought me along for the ride.

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