Thoughts and Happenings of an Average Family

My hysterical kids

Hayden asked, "So a classical book is one where a person or animal dies at the end or it's 50 years old, right?"

Hayden and Cebelle were playing LEGO Harry Potter on Wii and Cebelle was doing something that was making Hayden mad. Hayden asked her nicely several times, "Cebelle, please stop." Cebelle did not listen. So Hayden raises his voice and shouts, "CEBELLE DEBORAH HULL! THAT IS ENOUGH! IMMOBULUS!" Jeff and I have decided that it's a good thing that we are all muggles....

We were in the van and Hayden was playing with a plastic dragon and Cebelle had her stuffed dog "Fergie". He takes the dragon, leans over to the dog and says, "Whaz up, girl?" I seriously almost wrecked the van.

While getting onto Hayden for various crazy behaviors, I told him that he would be in a lot less trouble if he would just listen better. He responded, "But, Mom! I just wasn't born that way! I really think God made me born not to listen!"

Hayden to me: "Mom, I know that I'm really a pessimist. But I'm trying to be an optimist. Optimists are more positive. For example: I'm positive that nothing good will happen to me today." (at least he's making an effort...)

Me to Hayden: "Hayden, please listen to what I am saying to you!" Hayden to me: "I would like to, mom, but sometimes you just talk way too much!"

Hayden was constantly pulling apart his butt cheeks while playing Wii.  After asking him to stop several times I finally asked, "Why do you keep doing that?"  He replied, " Because I really hate it when they stick together."

Hayden to Cebelle: "You are so obnoxious!"  Cebelle to Hayden, "You are stupid!"  Hayden to Cebelle: "Yeah, but I won't always be stupid.  I bet you will always be obnoxious, though."

Cebelle to Me: "Mom, I can't hear my ipod and I don't have it paused." She walks over to me, earphones on her head and hands me the ipod. I look at her, pick up the end of the earphones and then plug them into the ipod. Me to Cebelle: "That usually helps." She giggled and walked away. She is such a blonde sometimes.

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