Thoughts and Happenings of an Average Family

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"Easter....and all the days around it in which I was a total slacker"

So much for my weekly blogging resolution.  In defense of myself, I have been really busy.  Not just a tiny bit busy.  We are talking "every day on the date planner filled in with stuff written in margins" busy. I would love to fill all of you in on every single detail of those weeks, but honestly, I was so busy that I forgot most of what happened.  Just kidding...I remember it.  I really just don't want to bore you with the minute details of my very un-exciting life.  So how about some highs and lows?
We will start with the highs:
1.  No homeschooling for the kids!  They had a week of spring break and then last week I cancelled classes because we were really super busy and none of us felt very well at all!
2.  Jeff, Hayden, and I had the opportunity to be in a production at our church on Good Friday.  We worked really hard on it.  I designed all the costumes and told my mom how I wanted them to look and she sewed them!  She is so amazing!  We got to work with some really talented and terrific people in our church that we absolutely love and adore and put on a production that touched a lot of people.  Jeff and I were very nervous about it because neither of us had actually been onstage in years!  But I am so proud of what came of it and I am very happy that we did it!
3.  Birthday $!  I was very blessed to have been sent birthday money and gift cards this year.  Which you will all be proud to know that I spent on books...and crafting supplies.  Mostly books!  I love to read so much and it is such a blessing to have a dozen new books that I  haven't read yet.  Because as most of you know...I re-read when I can't find anything I'm feeling very loved right now!  Plus-I got some really cool crafting expect some thank you cards that are way beyond awesome!
4.  Easter.  We went to church, which is always a blessing.  We love our church so much and all the wonderful people in it!  I was watching the other day as Hayden was going around and talking to some of the men in our church and noticing that they all would lean down to him and stop what they were doing to have a conversation with him and treat him with respect, kindness, and love.  That's not something that you find very often and I am so thankful that Hayden has such wonderful examples to look up to.  After church we came home and had a really nice dinner which Roni, Mom, and I prepared.  Roni made a ham and I made some homemade scalloped potatoes.  Mom made the rest of the sides and a couple of desserts.  I chipped in some dark chocolate gluten and sugar free cupcakes as well.  They were really delicious.  I will post the recipe on my recipes page!  Thanks to the weather, we got to spend a few hours outside hiding eggs, blowing bubbles, and having a Nerf gun war!  I always treasure time with my family!
5.  Testing.  I had numerous tests done from when I was in the emergency room last month and everything that came back was normal thus far.  I am still waiting on one more result, but the technician said that she didn't see anything to worry about.
-Those are not necessarily all the highs....most of the days have been really terrific!  Especially while Jeff was also on Spring Break and we got to spend time together as a family.  We don't really have to do anything or go anywhere.  We just love being together.
Now..onto the lows...
1.  Allergy shots.  Booooooooooooooo.......I know that they are helping my body.  But, honestly, they make me feel SO crappy!  I feel tired and flu-like.  The week before last, I barely had any itchiness and I thought, "Yay!  I am taking these so well!"  Talk about jinxing myself.  Last week, I had big, nasty, red itchy spots all the way down to my elbow and all around my upper arm.  Kind of like sleeves.  The itching comes from the inside, too.  So-there is no way to make it stop.  The worst part is that every week, just about the time I start to feel all better, it's time to go and get my shots again.  Please pray for me!  They make me so crabby!
2.  Sick kids.  Thanks to the weather and our stressful schedule that just finally let up, neither one of my kids have been feeling very terrific.  Snotty noses, headaches, general ickiness.  Poor little monkeys.  I guess I wouldn't say that they are actually sick...because it isn't that bad.  But they sure aren't their normal, cheery selves!  Please pray for them as well!
Hmmmmmmm.....I guess that is actually it for the lows!
As I said, mostly, my life is very un-exciting!  It's mostly filled with those small moments that I really try to imprint on my brain.  Like when Hayden hugs me for no reason or when I sit down and color in a coloring book with Cebelle.  Sitting around and having a great conversation with friends...or sitting around with friends and realizing that they have become family.  I am very blessed in my life with wonderful people whom I love and who love me.  There is no greater gift than that.  And on those days when the lows have got me really low, those people are the ones who pick me up and make me smile.  Which in its own way, makes the lows high.....
God bless you all, and may all of your lows also be highs!

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